Warp Speed Branding: The Impact of Technology on Marketing 1999 г Суперобложка, 240 стр ISBN 0-471-29555-8 инфо 12957h. |
"We have all experienced the acceleration of our lives and our work towards Internet speed MsWinkler has given us anecdotes, templates and commonsense advice, all focused on teaching us how to use the aашдввcceleration of technology to build better brands, products, and organizations" Paul Otellini, Executive Vice President, Intel Corporation "This book is an engaging must-read for all brand shepherds, young and old The rapid speed of global technological chбзыяьange has dramatically redefined all traditional concepts of consumers, stakeholders, marketing, and branding Attitude, capability, and mass customization are now king" Carl James Yankowski, President & CEO, Reebok Brands "For marketers who are charged with retaining or creating brand advantage in the future, this is a must read You'll find a refreshing challenge to the status quo and new ideas to consider" Jan Soderstrom, EVP International Marketing, Visa Inteбргвсrnational "In the tradition of marketing classics, Winkler redefines what it takes to win at marketing in today's frenzied, everything-changing-at-once product development cycles" Steve Weiss, Founding Partner, Product Management Group "Traveling with Agnieszka Winkler through Warp-Speed Branding is a thrill ride Her rich examples and colorful illustrations make Warp-Speed Branding essential reading for all who aspire to lead their organizations to unique and distinctive places in the millennium marketplace" Jim Kouzes, coauthor, The Leadership Challenge and Encouraging the Heart Chairman, Tom Peters Group/Learning Systems "A thought-provoking view of the huge impact of the Web lifestyle on brands and branding" Robert Herbold, EVP & COO, Microsoft Corporation Автор Agnieszka M Winkler Agnieszka M Winkler. |